Our services


As research consultants, we work closely with you to determine the most effective research approach to meet your needs. Our research phases can be undertaken individually or as part of a comprehensive,  end-to-end process that encompasses every aspect of your project. 

We offer a range of research methods (qualitative, quantitative, participatory and physiological) within  the different phases tailored to your objectives. 

  • How do we understand? 

    We interpret the findings of our research for our clients, distilling the findings into actionable strategic  recommendations, to address unmet needs, create a market entry strategy, create monetisation and  pricing strategies, provide foresight, and provide thought leadership. 

    Who is this usually for?  

    For commercial/ confidential use of our clients (typically technology innovators, media owners, product  managers and owners, brands) and our collaborative partners in large scale EU and national projects. 

  • How do we ideate?  

    We listen to our clients' needs and conduct market research and landscape reviews before proceeding to generate informed ideas for new products, services and processes. We identify and describe market segments, user experience with product categories, and estimated market size for products, services and interventions. 

    Who is this usually for?  

    For the commercial/ confidential use of our clients (typically technology innovators, media owners, product managers and owners, brands). 

  • How do we test? 

    We develop and test ideas, concepts and prototypes through engagement with consumer end users, working hand in hand with our clients to inform new product/service development opportunities and product/service optimisation.

    Who is this usually for? 

    Typically for product developers, managers and owners, brands, charities, and government.

  • How do we evaluate? 

    We conduct independent evaluations using robust, academically-rooted research methods and our own i2 metrics involving consumer end users of products, services, communications and propositions. 

    Who is this usually for? 

    Typically for advertisers, agencies, marketing and PR, media owners, product managers and owners, brands, charities, regulators, and government. 


At i2 we have developed several tools and resources that can be used independently by the client or incorporated into a research phase administered by our researchers. The use of AIM independently requires a fee whereas the use of SOPI and AIM are free resources.  






Training with the IMPACT Model.